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BRICC Awards

Welcome to the BRICC Awards

Entry submissions open May 9, 2023. Deadline is September 7, 2023.

You will need an account to continue, so please register your name and email, and then you will be able to view categories and submit your entries!
Entries are open to HBRACC members in good standing. Please email admin@capecodbuilders.org for more info.
Projects must be completed within the last 4 years and never been submitted for consideration before.
It is best and strongly encouraged that your company open only one account to submit your entries and keep them organized.

Thursday, October 5th, 2023
5-10 PM
The Cape Codder Resort & Spa
Hyannis, MA
2023 BRICC Awards Gala - Oct 5, 2023 (capecodbuilders.org)

If you have any questions, please contact admin@capecodbuilders.org


BRICC Awards

1. Register

Click on the "Register" link and complete and submit the registration form.

2. Login

Login to the Application Portal with your email and password.

3. Create

Select the award you want to apply to.

4. Save

As you are completing the form, your responses can be saved as a DRAFT until all the required information is completed. As each section is complete, you will see a appear in the category tab when the form is saved. At any time, you can download and print your form by clicking on the icon in the Form Summary section.

5. Submit

On completion, save your form as FINAL. Download and print a copy of your form for your records by clicking on the icon in the Form Summary section in the right column.

If you require assistance or additional information, email the contact for the form you are completing.

Thank you for your interest in the BRICC 2023 Awards.

For your reference, the following resource documents are available for download and print. Please take a few moments to review the judging and category criteria. We hope this information is valuable to provide an award-winning project.

BRICC Judging

Also included is a BRICC FAQ document we hope will answer the questions you may have.


Please note that Builder/Remodeler or Associate submitting a nomination must be a member of HBRACC in good standing. We welcome your membership and please feel free to call the office with any questions on how to become a member.

We look forward to a fun filled event as we “Celebrate the Best of the Best” in the construction industry. The BRICC Awards Gala will be held October 5, 2023 from 5 - 10 PM at The Cape Codder Resort & Spa, Hyannis, MA

Registration for the awards is in addition to submitting for an award. Details can be found at: 2023 BRICC Awards Gala - Oct 5, 2023 (capecodbuilders.org)

Contact Us

Home Builders & Remodelers Association of Cape Cod
349 Route 28 Unit E
West Yarmouth, MA
Phone: 774-330-3140
Email:   admin@capecodbuilders.org
Home Builders & Remodelers Association of Cape Cod
Copyright  2025 Home Builders & Remodelers Association of Cape Cod.  All rights reserved.